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Tax, Bankruptcy and Financial Problems 2022 - 19.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending Test the treacherous (and shark-infested) waters of tax, bankruptcy, and financial problems. This course will teach participants how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of …


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Dealing with Debt and Interest 2023 - 18.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Dealing with Debt & Interest Course Description & Study Guide This course brings the practitioner up-to-date information on tax issues affecting interest and debt. It covers the definition of bona …


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1040 Workshop 2022 - 30 CPE Credit Hours

The course examines and explains the practical aspects of return preparation and individual planning, bridging the gap between theory and application. Sig-nificant new developments are summarized with emphasis on tax savings ideas. Practical applications …


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Making the Best of Bad Situations 2023 - 2 CPE

This mini-course will teach participants how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital and financial setbacks. Property transfers, asset divisions, alimony, filing status, exemptions, and child support are exam-ined. The …


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Concepts and Mechanics of Exchanges 2022 - 14 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending While tax reform visions have changed the tax on profits realized from the disposition of real estate, investors still seek escape hatches from the capital gain tax. Tax-deferred exchanges permit the …


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Partnership Taxation 2022 - 13.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Partnership Taxation Course Description & Study Guide The program will examine tax issues relating to the formation and operation of partnerships. Participants will gain a familiarity with basic …


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Corporate Taxation 2024 - 2 CPE

This course examines and explains the basics of corporate taxation. The focus is on regular or C corporations, their formation, and operation under tax law. The advantages and disadvantages of corporations are examined; incorporation and capitalization …


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Corporate Taxation 2023 - 2 CPE

This course examines and explains the basics of corporate taxation. The focus is on regular or C corporations, their formation, and operation under tax law. The advantages and disadvantages of corporations are examined; incorporation and capitalization …


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Debt 2022 - 3 CPE Credit Hours

This mini-course brings the practitioner information on tax issues affecting interest and debt. The various types of interest and their required allocation are explored and reviewed.


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Tax Bankruptcy and Financial Problems 2023 - 3 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Tax, Bankruptcy, and Financial Problems Mini-Course Description & Study Guide This course explores many tax issues that arise from filing for bankruptcy. Also addressed are asset protection for the …


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1040 Workshop 2023 - 28 CPE Credit Hours

The course examines and explains the practical aspects of return preparation and individual planning, bridging the gap between theory and application. Sig-nificant new developments are summarized with an emphasis on tax savings ide-as. Practical …


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Business Taxation 2023 - 24 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Business Taxation Course Description & Study Guide Americans who want to be their own boss are not entirely on their own. They have a rich uncle - Uncle Sam - who is there to help, as well as to …


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Selected Business Expenses 2022 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

Business expenses are the costs of carrying on a trade or business, and they are usually deductible if the business is operated to make a profit. This mini-course reviews various expenses that businesses may deduct and the requirements that must be met …


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Medical Charitable and Casualty 2023 - 2.5 CPE

We may all confront issues that directly impact how much we can deduct. This course is designed for participants who want to explore and examine the tax consequences of medical costs, charitable contributions, and casualty and theft losses, especially in …


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Corporate Tax Planning 2022 - 21 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending Course description and objectives: This course examines and explains the practical aspects of using the closely held corporation to maximize after-tax return on business operations. Recent …


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Inflation Reduction Act ("IRA") Summary 2023 - 2 CPE

For most of 2022, it was doubtful that Congress would enact any tax legislation. However, Democrats were finally able to negotiate and pass the Inflation Reduc-tion Act (IRA) in August 2022. This course summarizes the tax legislation em-bodied in the IRA …


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Debt 2024 - 2.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. This mini-course brings the practitioner information on tax issues affecting interest and debt. The various types of interest and their required allocation are explored and reviewed. For the …


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Bankruptcy Tax Issues 2020 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

This mini-course both examines these changes that debtors will face when filing for federal bankruptcy and also explores the many tax issues of bankruptcy. Practitioners will also learn about other issues such as homesteading and garnishment by creditors.


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Debt 2023 - 2.5 CPE

This mini-course brings the practitioner information on tax issues affecting in-terest and debt. The various types of interest and their required allocation are explored and reviewed. For the economically troubled client, special attention is devoted to …


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Business Taxation 2022 - 24 CPE Credit Hour

This course is a fast-paced and entertaining guide through tax issues affecting business entities and their owners. The focus of this class is on tax devices and techniques available to the small-business owner.


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Estate & Gift Taxation 2023 - 34.5 CPE

This presentation integrates federal taxation with overall financial planning. The course will explore tax strategies relating to the central financial tactics of wealth building, capital preservation, and estate distribution.


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2023/2022 Easy Update & Inflation Adjustments - 8 CPE

This mini-course examines key individual, business, retirement, and estate tax provisions recently enacted or indexed for inflation in an overview format that is easy to reference. The emphasis is on quick access to major tax changes having special …


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Tax Bankruptcy and Financial Problems 2023 - 19.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Tax, Bankruptcy, and Financial Problems Course Description & Study Guide Test the treacherous (and shark-infested) waters of tax, bankruptcy, and finan-cial problems. This course will teach …


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Estate and Gift Taxation 2022 - 40 CPE Credit Hours

Designed to improve the quality of services to clients and the profitability of engagements, this program projects the accountant into the world of financial planning. This course will give the participant practice in analyzing problems, developing …


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Passive Loss and At-Risk Rules 2023 - 2.5 CPE

With the adoption of the passive loss limitation rules, taxpayers are looking to CPAs for guidance related to what deductions are allowed, disallowed, or sus-pended. Updating practitioners on the practical aspects of §469, this course ad-dresses the …


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Dealing with Debt and Interest 2022 - 18.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending This course brings the practitioner up-to-date information on tax issues affecting interest and debt. It covers the definition of bona fide debt, the avoidance of equity and lease treatment, imputed …


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Passive Losses 2022 - 10.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Course Description & Study Guide This course addresses the practical aspects of §469 and the needed skill to han-dle pragmatic issues. Fundamentals are reviewed, planning opportunities identi-fied, …


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Divorce Transfers and Settlements 2024 - 2 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Participants will learn how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital dissolutions and living together arrangements. Current perspectives on property transfers and asset …


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Education Tax Benefits 2021 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

Today taxpayers must plan for their children's education. Touching on various topics such as qualified tuition programs (QTPs), scholarships, and fellowships, this mini-course examines the tax treatment of costs related to education. Practitioners will …


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Divorce Transfers and Settlements 2023 - 2 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Divorce Transfers & Settlements Mini-Course Description & Study Guide Participants will learn how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital dissolutions and living …


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Divorce Transfers and Settlements 2022 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

Participants will learn how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital dissolutions and living together arrangements. Current perspectives on property transfers and asset divisions are examined with an emphasis on planning …


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Partnership Taxation 2023 - 2 CPE

The mini-course will examine tax issues relating to the formation and operation of partnerships. Participants will gain familiarity with basic areas of partnership taxation so as to recognize a problem and have at hand some practical knowledge for its …


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Basic Fringe Benefits 2023 - 4 CPE

This course is an overview of basic fringe benefits and examines their mechanics, compensation methods, valuation, withholding, and accounting. Achievement awards, term life insurance, medical reimbursement, meals & lodging, educational assistance, …


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1040 Workshop 2024 - 24.5 CPE

Designed to make the practitioner comfortable with “high traffic” issues, this program enables participants to discuss and handle individual tax essentials. The course examines and explains the practical aspects of return preparation and individual …


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Business Travel and Entertainment 2022 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

Taxpayers are once again looking to CPAs for guidance and planning related to travel and entertainment expenses. This comprehensive mini-course examines and explains the practical aspects of business travel and entertainment deductions. To determine the …


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Passthrough Business Deduction 2023 - 2 CPE

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97), enacted Dec. 22, 2017, created, under §199A, a new deduction for up to 20% of qualified business income (QBI) from partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), S corporations, trusts, estates, and sole …


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Family Tax Planning 2022 - 24 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending While the nuclear family remains the center point of society, today it is under tremendous economic and social pressure. This course is designed to cover “hot” topics having a direct impact on the …


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Travel Entertainment and Auto Rules 2023 - 16.5 CPE

Updating practitioners on current developments, this core program examines and explains the practical aspects of travel and entertainment deductions. Fun-damentals are reviewed and planning opportunities are identified. Creative strategies are discussed …


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2024/2023 Easy Update & Inflation Adjustments - 6 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. This mini-course examines key individual, business, retirement, and estate tax provisions recently enacted or indexed for inflation in an overview format that is easy to reference. The emphasis is on …


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Making the Best of Bad Situations 2021 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

This mini-course will teach participants how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital and financial setbacks. Property transfers, as-set divisions, alimony, filing status, exemptions, and child support are examined. The …


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Education Tax Benefits 2023 - 2 CPE

Today taxpayers must plan for their children's education. Touching on various topics such as qualified tuition programs (QTPs), scholarships, and fellowships, this mini-course examines the tax treatment of costs related to education. Prac-titioners will …


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Easy Update and Inflation Adjustments 2021-2022 - 9 CPE Credit Hours

This mini-course examines key individual, business, retirement, and estate tax provisions recently enacted or indexed for inflation in an overview format that is easy to reference. The emphasis is on quick access to major tax changes having special …


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Defensive Divorce 2022 - 16 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Defensive Divorce Course Description & Study Guide This course will teach participants how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital dissolutions and living together …


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Business Travel and Entertainment 2023 - 2 CPE

Business Travel & Entertainment Mini-Course Description & Study Guide Taxpayers are once again looking to CPAs for guidance and planning related to travel and entertainment expenses. This comprehensive mini-course examines and explains the practical …


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Selected Business Expenses 2024 - 2 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Business expenses are the costs of carrying on a trade or business, and they are usually deductible if the business is operated to make a profit. This mini-course reviews various expenses that …


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Choosing the Right Business Entity & Getting Cash Out Of It 2022 - 4 CPE Credit Hours

This mini-course describes and compares sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, “C” corporations, and “S” corporations. It examines their advantages and disadvantages, permitting the participant to properly select the right …


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Property Dispositions 2023- 2 CPE

Tax reform provisions have frequently changed the tax on profits realized from the disposition of real estate. This has forced investors to seek “escape hatches” from fluctuating capital gains taxes. Tax-deferred exchanges permit the disposi-tion of …


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Making the Best of Bad Situations 2022 - 15 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending This course will teach participants how to apply, implement, and evaluate the strategic tax aspects of marital dissolutions and living together arrangements. Current perspectives on property …


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Estate Planning With Selected Issues 2023 - 20 CPE

This exceptional course surveys wills, living trusts, gifts, marital property, and probate avoidance. Will and trust forms are explored along with living wills, du-rable powers of attorney, and nominations of conservator.


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Education Tax Benefits 2024 - 2 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Today taxpayers must plan for their children's education. Touching on various topics such as qualified tuition programs (QTPs), scholarships, and fellowships, this mini-course examines the tax …


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Auto Rules 2022 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

After reading the materials, participants will be able to: 1. Identify and implement various tax vehicle depreciation (§168) and expensing (§179) methods describing their requirements and limitations under MACRS and make basis, business use...


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Employee Compensation and Benefits 2023 - 3.5 CPE Credit Hours

The various ideas, methods, and techniques to optimize the overall compensation package for key employees and principals are examined in this mini-course. Generally, businesses may deduct employees’ pay including wages, salaries, and other perks. Certain …


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Travel Entertainment and Auto Rules 2022 - 16.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending Updating practitioners on current developments, this core program examines and explains the practical aspects of travel and entertainment deductions. Fundamentals are reviewed and planning …


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Installment Sales 2023 - 2 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Installment Sales Mini-Course Description & Study Guide An installment sale is a sale of property where one or more payments are re-ceived after the close of the tax year. This mini-course discusses …


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Basic Marital Tax Matters 2023 - 2 CPE

This course is an overview of basic fringe benefits and examines their mechanics, compensation methods, valuation, withholding, and accounting. Achievement awards, term life insurance, medical reimbursement, meals & lodging, educational assistance, …


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Business Travel and Entertainment 2024 - 2 CPE

Taxpayers are once again looking to CPAs for guidance and planning related to travel and entertainment expenses. This comprehensive mini-course examines and explains the practical aspects of business travel and entertainment deductions. To determine the …


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Employee Compensation and Benefits 2022 - 4 CPE Credit Hours

The various ideas, methods, and techniques to optimize the overall compensation package for key employees and principals are examined in this mini-course. Generally, businesses may deduct employees’ pay including wages, salaries, and other perks. Certain …


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S Corporations 2023 - 3 CPE

In this course, the intricacies of setting up and terminating an S corporation are detailed and taxation is discussed. The numerous advantages and disadvantages of this entity are identified to help practitioners determine whether the S cor-poration is …


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Matching Investments to Tax Saving Techniques 2022 - 13.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending Taxes aren't taxes – they are dollars in terms of the net return on investment. All tax professionals need to know the tax economics of investing for themselves and their clients. This need is …


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Corporate Tax Planning 2023 - 21 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. Corporate Tax Planning Course Description & Study Guide Course description and objectives: This course examines and explains the practi-cal aspects of using a closely held corporation to maximize …


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Bankruptcy Tax Issues 2022 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was enacted to minimize abuse of the bankruptcy system. Included in this Act were tax law changes and other changes that individuals, partnerships, and corporations will see in the bankruptcy …


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Family Tax Planning 2023 - 2 CPE

While the nuclear family remains the center point of society, today it is under tremendous economic and social pressure. This mini-course is designed to cov-er “hot” topics having a direct impact on the practitioner who represents any client with family …


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Choice of Entity 2022 - 22.5 CPE Credit Hours

This comprehensive book describes and compares sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, “C” corporations, and “S” corporations. It examines their advantages and disadvantages, permitting the reader to properly select the right …


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Interest 2023 - 2 CPE

This course focuses on tax issues affecting the treatment of interest and debt. It covers the definition of bona fide debt, the impact of related parties, the avoid-ance of equity and lease characterization, and deductible versus nondeductible interest …


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Employee Compensation and Benefits 2024 - 3.5 CPE

Texas Compliance Pending. The various ideas, methods, and techniques to optimize the overall compensation package for key employees and principals are examined in this mini-course. Generally, businesses may deduct employees’ …


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Coronavirus Tax Summary 2023 - 3 CPE

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed by President Trump on March 18, 2020. Later on March 27, 2020, he signed the Coronavirus Aid, Re-lief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, with a $2.2 trillion price tag.


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Corporate Taxation 2022 - 2 CPE Credit Hours

This course examines and explains the basics of corporate taxation. The focus is on regular or C corporations, their formation, and operation under tax law. The advantages and disadvantages of corporations are examined; incorporation and capitalization …


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Selected Business Expenses 2023 - 2 CPE

Business expenses are the costs of carrying on a trade or business, and they are usually deductible if the business is operated to make a profit. This mini-course reviews various expenses that businesses may deduct and the requirements that must be met …


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The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth - 20 CPE Credit Hours
NOT AN ONLINE COURSE! NOT TEXAS COMPLIANT. PLEASE SEE DETAILS. Starting a small business and making it a success isn’t easy. In fact, most small business owners don’t get rich and many fail. This book presents the straight truth on small business success.
Social Security Medicare & Government Pensions - 20 CPE Credit Hours
NOT AN ONLINE COURSE! NOT TEXAS COMPLIANT. PLEASE SEE DETAILS. Everyone wants to get the highest possible retirement and pension income – not to mention the best medical coverage. Turn to the completely updated 17th edition of Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions to discover the benefits you're entitled to
Fraud 101 - 20 CPE Credit Hours
NOT AN ONLINE COURSE! NOT TEXAS COMPLIANT. PLEASE SEE DETAILS. Fraud 101, Third Edition serves as an enlightening tool for you, whether you are a business owner or manager, an accountant, auditor or college student who needs to learn about the nature of fraud. In this invaluable guide, you will discover and better un
Bookkeeping for Nonprofits - 20 CPE Credit Hours
NOT AN ONLINE COURSE! NOT TEXAS COMPLIANT. PLEASE SEE DETAILS. Bookkeeping for Nonprofits is a hands-on guide that offers nonprofit leaders, managers, and staff the tools they need to create and maintain a complete and accurate set of accounting records. This much-needed resource provides those with little or no book
$99 Unlimited CPE Subscription
Our $99 Unlimited CPE Subscription includes 365 Days of Online access to all of the Accounting CPE Credits you need. Subscribers can access discounted Ethics for less than $10/course!

Our CPE Is Accepted In:

Our CPE is currently accepted in: AL, AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, GA, ID, IN, IA, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, MT, NV, NH, NM, ND, PA, RI, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WY


Thank you very much. Appreciate your prompt response. Have a great day.
Linda CPA
That was a quick and complete response to my inquiry!!!!! Thank you.
Roger CPA
I chose your company because of the price, and I'm certainly happy with that!  I am thankful that there is CPE that is so affordable.  Thanks for responding!
Rebecca CPA

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