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Corporate Fraud Statistics - 2 CPE Credit Hours

“Security experts estimate that as many as 30 percent of all employees do steal, and that another 60 percent will steal if given sufficient motive and opportunity. The current economic hard times only add to the temptation of personnel to take what does not belong to them.1” This means that it is estimated that only 10 percent of employees will not steal under any circumstances.

The least expensive way to fight corporate fraud within your organization or those of your clients is to be aware of the statistics surrounding its occurrence and then use that knowledge to put processes and procedures into place which will aide in preventing its occurrence. In this course, you will be provided with several statistics which should help you meet this goal.

Following the statistical analysis, you will be provided with the ACFE “Fraud Prevention Check-up” in order to assess the vulnerability of your organization or those of your clients to corporate fraud.

Price: No additional charge

Instant Download!
Manufacturer: McClain
Delivery Method: Online Interactive Self Study
Level: Overview
Prerequisites: None
Recommended Credits: 2 CPE Hours 
Advanced Preparation: None
Author: Colleen Neuharth McClain
Category: Auditing
Subject Area:
Passing Score: 70%
Publication Date: 06/28/2013


  • List the average amount that corporations in the U.S. lose per day, per employee due to corporate fraud.
  • List the most common method in which fraud is reported according to ACFE statistical studies.
  • Recognize why fraud is not always reported by executives and the chief reasons why even CPA’s do not always want to participate with law enforcement officers while investigating a fraud incident.
Complaints: 888-479-4574 /


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Sharon EA
Thank you. I finish a test when I am in a flight for a business trip so when I log in to your website, I can enter all answers.
Mike CPA
Thank you very much. Appreciate your prompt response. Have a great day.
Linda CPA

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